It’s important to know: Snail mucus – cannot be acidic (it is not acid!)

Hydrogen indicator, pH (latin: Pondus Hydrogenii – “weight of hydrogen”) is a measure of the acidity of aqueous solutions. Associated with the concentration of hydrogen ions, which is equivalent to the activity of hydrogen ions in highly dilute solutions.

For aqueous solutions, a pH value <7 corresponds to an acidic solution, while a pH > 7 – to a basic one.

It can be determined using acid-base indicators, measured potentiometrically with a pH meter, or calculated by the formula as a value opposite in sign and equal in magnitude to the decimal logarithm of the activity of hydrogen ions, expressed in moles per liter: pH


Snail mucus – cannot be acidic (it is not acid!)
ℹ️The snail is an alkaline product: snail meat has a pH of 6.05, snail caviar Ph 6.8.
Snail mucus is a natural secretion of the snail’s alkaline organism – mucus cannot be less acidic than snail !
Natural acidity of liquid snail mucus (Ph) 6.3
And lyophilized (dry) mucus (Ph) 8.56 – 8.95
If the pH value of the liquid snail mucus is less than 6, and the dry powder has less than Ph 8, this is mucus diluted with acid!
This is certainly reflected in the performance of mucopolysaccharides (allantoin) and other valuable substances in the mucus.
The method of secretion of snail mucus is very important – natural without the addition of acids and reagents !
Use secretion technology – “MUCUS PROfessional”®️

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