S-TOP з найбільш непотрібних (і найпоширеніших) дієтичніх добавок.

?TOP of the most useless (і найпоширеніших) дієтичніх добавок.
?Овоч (веганський) вітамін D.
Рослинного вітаміну D в природі не існує. Рослини не потребують ціх речовин – вони не беруть участі в жодному зі своїх біохімічних процесів., це означає, що “рослинний вітамін D” просто не можуть бути синтезовані членами цього королівства. Phytosterols are often sold under the guise of “рослинного вітаміну D.” Or so called vitamin D preparation based on the fact that the capsule shell is made of cellulose, а не желатину.
?Omega-3-6-9 complex.
Or, in other words, увесь “Omega” в ідеальному співвідношенні та мінімальному дозуванні. Vendors are ashamed to say that Omega-9 (monounsaturated fats in milk, тваринний жир, olive oil, Тощо.) and Omega-6 (polyunsaturated fats, a component of most vegetable oils) in unpredictable amounts and proportions you consume daily with food. I hope that you also consume Omega-3, Але, as practice shows, in a much smaller amount. В результаті, the final amount and balance of Omega-3-6-9 in the diet are very weakly related to the supplement and, to a greater extent, depend on your eating habits. You may be shown an extra intake of Omega-3 and / or Omega-6, but this can only be determined by analyzing your diet.
Silicon is definitely needed by our body: it is involved in skeletal calcification, connective tissue synthesis and a number of other important biochemical processes. But any plant food is so rich in this element that it makes absolutely no sense to take silicon in addition, and even more so to insist on it in other wordson the sand water.
Collagen in our digestive system is broken down into amino acids (otherwise it simply cannot be assimilated). The amino acids that make up collagen are not the most important and deficient… But that’s not all! For our body to collect collagen from amino acids, we need a complex of vitamins and trace elements, the most important of which are iron and vitamin C. If your diet lacks iron and ascorbic acid, any amount of precursor amino acids will be completely meaningless… In other words, for elasticity it is more important to eat oranges and chicken pate than to take drinking collagen.
? Another thing, наприклад: “MUC IN” dietary supplement is a freeze-dried природній product from snails (слизу, м'яса, та ікри). ЦЕ ПРИРОДНІЙ, NOT a synthesized PRODUCT: containing biological (природній) Колагену, алантоїн, гліколеву та гіалуронову кислоти.
?Glucosamine, chondroitin, гіалуронова кислота.
The history of these substances is very similar to the history of collagen: they are practically not assimilated in the digestive system, but instead must be synthesizedin placewith the participation of a number of essential substances. This time, special attention should be paid to sulfur and vitamin C…
?Glycine, лізин, tyrosine and other protein amino acids.
The diet of modern man is such that all protein amino acids (including essential) we get in larger quantities, не меншь необхідного. And with food, the amount of these very protein amino acids significantly exceeds the number of those in the recommended daily dose of the supplement. В результаті, the purchase of protein amino acids in the form of synthesized dietary supplementsjust a waste of money…

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