Por piaskowy naturalny niedrogi środek COVID-19

Liofilizowany por piaskowy

Wszystkie środki zapobiegawcze i terapeutyczne mają na celu przeciwdziałanie koronawirusowi zlokalizowanemu w płucach, podczas gdy nie ma wpływu na koronawirusa zlokalizowanego w jelicie.

Piasek por naturalny niedrogi COVID 19 remedium

The chain of destructive pathological events in the human body caused by COVID-19 is interrupted and destroyed at the very beginning and does not continue thanks to the intake of a variety of garlic – Liofilizowany por piaskowy (Állium scorodoprásumtuber) for local action in the intestine in enteric-soluble capsules.

The danger of the COVID-19 virus lies in the fact that it, Po pierwsze, wpływa na układ odpornościowy, and only then, secondly, it affects the lung tissue.

Mechanizm działania wirusa COVID-19 na organizm człowieka: 80% of the entire immune system is concentrated in the mucous and submucous layers of the small intestine in the form of lymphoid tissue and its accumulationspeyer’s patches.

liofilizacja pora piaskowego

Tkanka limfatyczna wytwarza przeciwciała (limfocyty T-, B-, G- and others), a także różnego rodzaju immunoglobuliny. Przeciwciała przez układ limfatyczny dostają się do żyły głównej dolnej, the heart and, having passed the pulmonary circulation, wchodzą do krążenia ogólnoustrojowego i są przenoszone przez cały organizm.

Więc, odporność tkanek jest wzmocniona, including the own tissue immunity of the lung tissue. COVID-19, mixing with food during meals, wchodzi do jelit i zaczyna niszczyć tkankę limfatyczną.

W rezultacie, the affected lymphoid tissue stops producing lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Więc, the immune system is destroyed and tissue immunity in the lungs is weakened.

Od tego momentu, the second wave of the coronavirus attack on the already unprotected lung tissue begins, który objawia się ciężkim zapaleniem płuc, which ends in death. Obecnie, all anti-epidemic measures are aimed at preventing coronavirus from entering the lungs, który, w zasadzie, jest kosztowna i praktycznie nieefektywna. And all therapeutic measures are only aimed at combating complications in the form of pneumonia.

Sand Leek

As a result of the Freeze-dried Sand leek action, the lymphoid tissue continues to function normally, Czyli, to produce antibodies and immunoglobulins:

the damaged immune system is quickly restored and strengthened, co prowadzi do znacznego wzrostu odporności tkanek w tkance płucnej;

an insurmountable barrier arises not only for COVID-19, ale także dla drobnoustrojów (Staphylococcus, itd.) and fungi, które stanowią istotne zagrożenie w koronawirusowym zapaleniu płuc.

Sand leek zawiera dużą ilość fitoncydów, biologically active substances that emit a strong aroma and have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Large amount: organic compounds of saponins, które łagodzą skurcze tkanek miękkich i stymulują wydzielanie enzymów trawiennych, tone up taste buds and accelerate the return transmission of impulses from the brain to the peripheral nervous system.

Kwas kawowy, which has anti-inflammatory activity and normalizes functional immunity.

Kwas ferulowy, stabilizes the cardiovascular system. Quercetin inhibits the vital activity of viruses. Rutinstrengthens the walls of blood vessels. Chlorogenic acid has antioxidant and antiviral effects. Allicinhigh antibacterial activity.

Also biologically active compounds: allilocytsteina, Sitosterolu, salicyna, geraniol, Stigmasterolu, german, Linalool, phloroglucinol, kaempferol.

After taking “Liofilizowany por piaskowy” in enteric capsulesa natural vaccine is formed in the small intestine in 30-40 protokół – the natural vaccine begins to actively form specific immunity against COVID-19.

Więc, the chain of destructive pathological events in the human body caused by COVID-19 is interrupted and destroyed at the very beginning and has no continuation. The body fights and defeats COVID-19 in the most natural way, so to speak, in a planned manner.

W tym samym czasie, an emergency and stressful mode of struggle on the part of the body is completely excluded, and it counteracts the virus in a planned mode. W rezultacie, the epidemic that has arisen stops in a matter of days.

Liofilizowany por piaskowy (Állium scorodoprásumtuber) in the form of a biologically active food additive: SANDLEEK-ANTIVIRAL is a one-component natural product, the composition is only lyophilized Sand leek.

Liofilizowany por piaskowy Liofilizowany por piaskowy

Na przykład, Candidate of medical sciences Shukhrat Khalilov in his study claims that for the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection, you need to take water infused with garlic, ale w tym przypadku, the intestinal capsule will deliver the lyophilized product to the site of exposurethe intestine, better and more accurately than the product dissolved in water.

Liofilizator BulovaProdukt musi być freeze-dried (liofilizowane w niskich temperaturach) – only this method of drying (preserving) the drug will ensure that all trace elements, phytancides and ethers are retained in it, and also concentrates the substances by 8 razy (this is the Sand Leek shrinkage coefficient).

Ponadto, the developer of the SANDLEEK-PRZECIWWIRUSOWY dietary supplement (Freeze-dried sand leek) – the Bulova company in 2020 offers a biological active supplement to the patients in need for free, all the sick have recovered and have stable immunity.

SANDLEEK-ANTIVIRAL is easy to make on your own: freeze-dry slices of Sand Leek (Állium scorodoprásumtuber), grind into a powder, place in a large intestinal-soluble capsule (00).

Take 3-4 times daily before meals, 1-2 capsules daily. Use the recipe for free, it will save lives!

